Monday, June 11, 2007

Cycling in the nude

Contrary to popular belief, I do not like cycling in the nude. Would I do it? Hmmm, let me get back to you on that.

Sunday morning at church a number of people who know that I cycle and love riding my bike asked me if I was one of those who pedaled through the streets of Montreal the day before in the nude. First think that came to mind, as I try to imagine how it would feel like, this riding naked must hurt on the lower extremities, particularly the parts which we try our best to conceal, if you know what I mean. My verbal comment was, "they said they wouldn't be taking pictures". :-)

Here is a shot from behind, no pun intended, of some these riders who road through downtown Vancouver (courtesy of Reuters News).

Naked cyclists ride their bikes through downtown Vancouver, British Columbia during the World Naked Bike Ride Day June 9, 2007. About 50 cyclists rode through the streets trying to bring attention to pollution caused by cars. REUTERS/Andy Clark (CANADA)

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