Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Lauren and her Lolo

Lauren and Lolo Lito

Lauren with her baby sister Lea

Lolo is short for and another term of endearment for that magic word "Grandfather"

I grew up with my grandmother, on my dad's side, who lived with us until the time we moved to Canada. She stayed behind in Manila, looked after by my aunt and cousin, because she failed the physical (medical check up). She was a very good cook. She also baked great tasting cakes, pastries, and other treats. I remember a time when I went with her to a baking contest; don't know whether she won a prize, but to me and my siblings, we all loved her cakes and other desserts she prepared.

My grandmother on my mom's side mostly spent her time living in the province (country) where she looked after their land / hacienda / sugar plantation. She'd come to Manila every so often to visit and when she did she'd bring all kinds of goodies from the province- one I recall and loved was a treat called "kalamay-hati".

Kalamay hati

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