Monday, November 15, 2004

The 10 Commandments of Thankful Living

Hour of Power

The 10 Commandments of Thankful Living

by: Robert H. Schuller

I speak fluently only one language - English, but whenever I am visiting a non-English speaking country, I always learn one word and that is the word: THANKS! Merci ... Gracias ... Danke ... Arigato. I have discovered that this one word alone will work wonders. It will open doors. It will establish relationships. It will be the first tender thread upon which can be woven a cable of affection and trust. Learn the power of the word THANKS!

Rudyard Kipling was one of those authors who was very successful in his lifetime. A British newspaper criticized him, ridiculed him and called him a mercenary. They said, "He is now writing just for the money. One word of Rudyard Kipling today is worth a hundred dollars."

Shortly after the release of the unkind article, a reporter approached Kipling at a gathering and said, "So, you're worth a hundred dollars a word. Here's a hundred dollars. Give me a word." Then he handed him a paper and pencil.

Kipling took the hundred dollars, put in his pocket, and on the paper, he wrote one word: Thanks! [ rest of the article ]

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