Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Price of gasoline down a few cents

It's almost mid-week now and this evening, on my way back home from a bike ride, I saw the Petro Canada sign, the one on Sources and Anselme Lavigne, showing 92.4 cents per liter, down from 98.4 cents per liter earlier today.

Check back on an earlier post about the roller coaster ride, yet almost predictable, gasoling price swing.


LGE said...

price of gasoline now at 89.4 cents per liter

LGE said...

also, if I may add, I predict the price will go back to 96 or 98 cents + late Thursday or early Friday :)

LGE said...

I filled up the Honda Accord today at 92.9 cents/liter = $40.00 CAD, Yehey!! bring it on!!