Sunday, October 21, 2012

Active Oxygen

Ordinary oxygen exists as a pair bond between two oxygen atoms, represented by chemical symbols as O2. This pair bond is stable. However, active oxygen consists of a single non-bonded oxygen atom. In this state, oxygen is very unstable. It will bond easily with other substances during the oxidation process.

The body itself produces active oxygen under a variety of conditions. Among these conditions are coprostasis (long-term build-up of fecal matter in the intestines) and malodorous stools. Solar ultraviolet radiation also forms active oxygen when it strikes water molecules (H2O). Thus around 2 – 5 % of the oxygen we breathe in consists of active oxygen.

Active oxygen does have beneficial effects for our body, but it is more harmful than beneficial effects. The reason is that active oxygen is a toxin. One reason why we get sunburned at the beach is that ultraviolet rays produce active oxygen that damages the melanin in our skin. Frequent and severe sunburn can lead to skin cancer.

When we hang out our duvet blankets to air in the sun, ultraviolet rays strike the moisture content (not just liquid) in the blanket and produce active oxygen. In turn, the active oxygen kills bacteria mold, ticks and fleas in the blanket. However, some active oxygen remains inside the blanket while it is still warm from the sunlight, so we shouldn't cover ourselves with it right away to prevent excess intake of active oxygen into our body.

Moreover, many normal activities produce active oxygen within our body including breathing, eating, and exercising. Smoking also produces a lot of active oxygen. In a beneficial way active oxygen kills harmful bacteria. However, if there is too much active oxygen, it will also attack the normal cells and turn them into cancerous ones. If they attack the islet of Langerhans, insulin production will be disrupted causing diabetes. Most important, the body is being oxidized (aging), and aging is actually a disease.

Furthermore, active oxygen attacks the DNA in the cell nuclei. This causes mutations in the three billion nucleotides present in the human DNA. Recently, researchers have shown that this is the cause of a variety of human illnesses and other maladies. Because active oxygen has such a powerful bonding capability, it will bond with and oxidize virtually anything. Oxidation changes the chemical properties of substances, and causes the degradation of plastic, textiles, and dyes.

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