Sunday, December 23, 2007

Tita Nil's Nativity Scene





A very good find, and very good buy from Costco, at least 4 years ago.

I think Tita Nil started her Christmas decorations in early November this year. This way, according to her, we can enjoy the Christmas decor and Christmas spirit (both spiritual and visceral)longer.
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Desktop real estate space


Trade-off - increased in PC desktop real estate, decrease in desktop, tabletop real estate space- as you can see ;-)
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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Waterboarding, not a water sport

What the heck is water boarding - untutored (or was it untortured)minds want to know ;-) Definitely nothing in common with water polo or any water sports for that matter.

I was flipping through my Yahoo front page when I noticed an article with CIA, al-Qaida and Water boarding on the first couple of lines.

According to Wikipedia -
Waterboarding is a torture technique that simulates drowning in a controlled environment. [ read the rest of the article ]

Link to the article entitled: "Ex-CIA agent: Waterboarding OK'ed at top"

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Baghdad Christians celebrate Sunday Mass

By SAMEER N. YACOUB, Associated Press Writer 1 hour, 49 minutes ago

BAGHDAD - The worshippers were searched at the door and snipers stood guard on the roof, but Sunday's Mass was a joyful one for more than 200 Iraqis who packed a church in eastern Baghdad to see the first Iraqi cardinal.

Under heavy guard and broadcast live on Iraqi state television, the service was capped by a handshake from a visiting Shiite imam — a symbolic show of unity between Iraq's majority Muslim sect and its tiny Christian community.

Cardinal Emmanuel III Delly, leader of the ancient Chaldean Church, celebrated the two-hour Mass three weeks after Pope Benedict XVI elevated him to the top ranks of the Roman Catholic hierarchy.

Delly presided over other services this week in Baghdad and the northern Kurdish city of Irbil, spreading his message of unity and forgiveness among Iraq's Christians.

"We are of one family, everyone should work for the progress of this country," he said during his sermon.

The frequent target of Islamic extremists, Iraq's Christians have been forced to flee by the tens of thousands or to isolate themselves in barricaded neighborhoods if they choose to remain.

"We pray today for the sake of each other and to forgive each other, as well to be directed to do good deeds," Delly said. "That is my demand for the Iraqis, moreover I urge the return home for displaced people and immigrants to their ancestral land."

Delly, 80, has been outspoken in the past about the need to protect Christians, who comprise less than 3 percent of Iraq's 26 million people.

Many people who filled the pews at the elegant brick Church of the Virgin Mary said they were taking advantage of a lull in violence to attend services and to congratulate Delly. The imam of a nearby Shiite mosque shook hands with him in the church's courtyard after the service.

"I came here to show the unity of the Iraqi people," said the black-turbaned imam, Jassim al-Jazairi. "We are happy with the cardinal. We are very proud of any person, whether Christian or Muslim, who raises the name of Iraq in the international arena."

The high attendance at the church in mainly Shiite eastern Baghdad was among several recent signs of normalcy in Iraq. Still, the security situation remains fragile in the city, where many Iraqis are still afraid to venture outside the concrete barriers erected by the U.S. military to protect volatile communities.

In a reminder of the dangers, armed policemen wearing helmets and blue uniforms were stationed on the church's roof and others searched worshippers walking toward the stately brick building on Palestine Street, a major thoroughfare in eastern Baghdad. Several police pickup trucks and Iraqi armored vehicles blocked the street.

Church officials said the weekly afternoon Mass has been more crowded and was extended by an hour as Iraqis are less fearful about being out on the streets late in many areas of the capital.

"We are proud of this," said Hibba Nasser, a 26-year-old housewife. "We came here to this church in order to tell the terrorists that we are not afraid of them."

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Dinner at Bar-B-Barns

Dinner at Bar-B-Barns on Guy St, coffee and dessert at Starbucks on St.Catherine St.W, walk around St.Catherine St.W. between Guy and McGill College Ave.

Cast of characters: the usual suspects- Tito Lits, Tita Nil, Pam and Allen, and Trish.

Location: Downtown Montreal

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Killington, Vermont 2005

Killington, Vermont - Summer 2005

I'd like to go back there, just for a day drive, or maybe a weekend.

WATP , 4 Fast Miles, Saturday Edition

WATP - 4 Fast Miles, Saturday Edition @ Fairview Alliance Church, November 17,2007.

Present: Tito Lito, Nil, Grace and Phillip, Pilo, Pauline, Agnes, and Rose
Location: Fairview Alliance Church, DDO

[ Facebook Album Photos ]

Monday, November 12, 2007

In Flanders Fields

In Flanders Fields
By: Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918)
Canadian Army

IN FLANDERS FIELDS the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
Canadian soldiers

In Flanders Field

In Flanders Field

Monday, November 05, 2007

During Lunch

Photos I took during lunch, right after Sunday church service.

Have camera will travel, shoot first, ask questions later ;-))

[ Picasa Web Album Link for the Photos ] View the Slide show on a larger window or desktop.

Elvis is alive and wet

Elvis fans,

He is alive and wet. ;-)

In this photo provided by, Tate Misiaszek, of Oceanside, Calif., dressed as Elvis Presley, competes in the third annual Scare N' Tear halloween surf contest in Manhattan Beach, Calif., on Sunday, Oct. 28, 2007. (AP Photo/ Kvartuc)

Friday, November 02, 2007

Dinner with Tita Nil

Just the two us, quiet dinner, at Arahova Souvlaki on Brunswick Blvd, D.D.O.

Tita Nil asked me what I wanted for dinner. I replied that I'd rather that we go eat out- again ;-)(we had lunch earlier at Fairview Shopping Center, courtesy of Cafe Depot on the second floor).

Earlier we thought we'd be going to VIP in Chinatown, possibly meeting up with Uncle Pilo, but it didn't work out, they had somewhere else to go.

We drove to Marathon Souvlaki but the place was packed, possibly people who went to see a movie at Cinema Guzzo, just next door to the restaurant. We didn't want to wait so we decided to check out Arahova (I had Lamb chops in my mind). ;-)

Exhibit / Play to raise awareness about Cancer, taken at Fairview Shopping Center - there's a judge, lawyer and defendant, a mock jail cell, etc.

Lamb chop platter - $19.95

Tita Nil checks out the commotion upstairs on the second floor where a company party is in progress

Tita Nil's Chicken Gyro platter - $12.95

Coffee was $1.75 (refills)

A little over $40.00 with tip- not bad.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween Night Bike Ride

Today's forecast:

Mostly Cloudy

Feels Like: 14°
Humidity: 55%
Dewpoint: 5°
Wind: SSE 23 km/h
Sunrise: 7:33 am
Sunset: 5:44 pm
Barometer: 1010 mb and falling

Mild but quite windy. The bike path was dry, leaves were dry, therefore they did not stick to or piled up on top of one another, they were dry and light, easily blown away from the bike path by the late afternoon wind, making the bike path less hazardous on a dark, almost moonless night.

The bike path was quiet as can be expected for a night like this, only a handful of die hard cyclists, bike riders, equipped with light flashers, bike headlights, and reflective gear.

Old Port was quiet as well with the exception of the area in the vicinity of Pavilion Jacques Cartier where a Halloween party was in progress.

Most of the following pictures were taken in front of and near the entrance to Pavilion Jacques Cartier.

Large billboard advertising the Quays of the Old Port

Uncle Pilo with his glow in the dark special only for Halloween cycling outfit ;-)

Entrance to the Pavillion Jacques Cartier

Halloween-ers ready to party, or just out for trick or treating

new lighting at the Old Port- now you see red

new lighting at the Old Port- now you see blue

Have you ridden your bike lately?


Tito Lits

Monday, October 29, 2007

Side by side

Paul, Lalaine, Pam & Allen, and Trish followed us all the way back to Montreal from Ottawa

There's Paul & Lalaine, Pam & Allen, and Trish - approaching the Sources blvd. exit- Nil and I still had to drive Tita Nene home (east end Montreal, Belanger & L'Assumption)

see you guys later

This Canon SD1000 camera is so handy, compact and very easy to handle. Oh, and of course, nice to have power windows too! ;-)

WATP at FAC this Monday

It was nice to see Ging-Ging and Uncle Phillip come and join us once again for the Walk Away the Pounds workout at Fairview Alliance Church (FAC).

I hope that they will be coming regularly. Ging-Ging is trying to get back into her Miss Philippines of Montreal shape of the 70s ;-)

Uncle Pilo stopped by to join us too, coming straight to the workout right after work.

all the way at the back, Uncle Pilo is doing the drifting move, a modified sideways version of the standard walk. there's Uncle Phillip trailing behind his beautiful wife Ging-Ging

Agnes, Rose, and Carmie, the diehard regulars

Tito Lits very happy and pleased with baby sister Grace's performance

feels so good to sweat, sweat, sweat

Saturday In The Park, Gatineau Park

[ Picasa Web Album Photos ]

A visit to Gatineau Park, Quebec. The overcast skies, mild temperature, but windy and cooler in the higher elevation made for some dramatic backdrop for our photos. We went for a stroll around sections of Gatineau Park, photo opportunities, walking picnic (great sandwich for a snack, thanks to Tita Ellen).

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Late afternoon, early evening ride

Late afternoon, early evening ride with Uncle Pilo.

[ Picasa Album link ]

Embed Slideshow (if you don't see it, click on the above link)

Have you ridden your bike lately?

Friday, October 26, 2007

first-prize winning photo in Pierrefonds/Roxboro

Over 1,500 submissions for second annual photo contest
Pablo Espinosa's first-prize winning photo in Pierrefonds/Roxboro.
Over 1,500 submissions for second annual photo contest
Shutterbugs focused on city’s beauty

For the second year in a row, shutterbugs were able to showcase their talents in the City of Montreal/Transcontinental photography contest. Photographers snapped shots under the theme “Montreal at your service,” and awards for the best pictures in each borough were handed out during a ceremony last Friday.

Photo contest participants submitted pictures focusing on the different services offered by the City of Montreal. In each borough, a three-person jury made up of a local personality, a professional photographer, and a Transcontinental weekly newspaper representative, chose the two best shots, which were then posted on the Internet where the public could vote for their favourite.

With over 1,500 submissions, it was by no means an easy task, but the winners were revealed in time for last Friday’s awards ceremony. Each winner received an enlarged, laminated copy of their photograph. Over $4,000 in prizes was also given out through a draw.

The 56 winning photographs are currently on display at Montreal City Hall, and can be viewed on the contest’s official website. During the awards ceremony, Marcel Tremblay, who is responsible for citizen services at the City of Montreal, focused on the importance of “conveying the vision of a clean city.”

Serge Lemieux, Transcontinental weekly newspaper director, echoed this sentiment: “It’s natural to celebrate the beauty of the city, as our weeklies reflect community life in Montreal.”

To see the winning photos, visit

Translated by Elyse Amend

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Felt so good to sweat, sweat, sweat so we went and ate, ate, ate

New DVD from Leslie Sansone courtesy of Rose P.

Walk Slim 4 Fast Miles - This DVD includes 4 Miles of Leslie's new way to BOOST her walking's called INTERVAL TRAINING!

Running time approx. 56 minutes
15 min. Mile 1
12 min. Mile 2
10 min. Mile 3
15 min. Mile 4
Cool down and stretch.

So, so much for the update regarding the sweat, sweat, sweat part ;-)

Pam and Allen wanted to go to Maison Kam right after Mom and Dad finished their workout. So Mom and Dad picked them up, then it was Trish's turn to get picked up (only after we were able to program the "Heroes" episode on the VCR).
here's Rose so excited about her new find, the 4 Fast Miles - Interval Training
focusing on the subject when Tita Nil tried to mix the noodles up, steam fogged up the lens ;)
stir fried noodles after the steam cleared up
salt and pepper squid as requested by Allen
Tita Nil, Pam, and Allen
Trishy and Dad
Trishy gets kissed by Dad ;-)

Monday, October 22, 2007

October Birthday and Anniversary Celebrants

Another excuse for a family get together, fun, and lots of food.

Earler in the afternoon Lenny talked about the Norwex line of environmentally friendly products for home and personal care.

The remainder of the evening was celebrating with the October birthday and wedding anniversary celebrants.

[ Link to the Picasa Web Album ]

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

This Past Sunday

At church by 9:45AM, Pam had a meeting with their Graceland Children's Ministry Team and I was leading Praise & Worship during the Sunday morning service.

Lunch was at the Marche De L'Ouest courtesy of Sushi Japango.

Dinner, courtesy of Allen and Pam, dessert and coffee as well.

[ More pictures on my Facebook Album ]

Thursday, October 11, 2007

I'm glad we went for a ride last night

The weather forecast for the next few days look dismal and it's getting colder, as it is supposed to be anyway.

The bike path isn't as crowded as it usually is on a bright, warm, summer's day. Lots of fallen leaves cover portions of the bike path, a reminder that soon they will be covered with a blanket of snow themselves.

empty benches

It's time to take out our cold weather riding gear, long sleeves jersey, the full length tights, over booties, windbreaker jackets, full length riding gloves, ear muffs, etc.

We're glad to have discovered this Tim Horton's coffee shop a couple of blocks above De La Commune St. A great place to stop, rest, warm up, and just simply hang out for a bit before turning back. Early morning rides- breakfast, mid-day rides- soup, evening rides- coffee, hot chocolate, maybe a bowl of soup on a cold night.

Check out the rest of the photos on my Facebook album.

Later dudes!!