Thursday, December 23, 2004

Ever heard of Monday morning zoo depression?

Ever heard of Monday morning zoo depression?

Here's a good read for parents, like myself, who love the sweet stuff (once in awhile) and who have children (young and older) who may not be conscious of their sugar, sweet stuff intake (candies, pop - soft drinks, etc.)

Researchers noticed that animals in a certain zoo were always lethargic and moody on Monday mornings. It took them a while to figure out the reason. Then it came to their attention that a lot of the weekend zoo customers where illegally feeding the animals candy and other sugary items which would send their blood sugar level sky-high. The critters then came crashing down on Monday.

I’m a dessert kind of guy, so I know I need to watch my sugar intake. We all should. But kids need to be constantly monitored to ensure they’re not ingesting too much of the sweet stuff. Overloading on sugar can cause children to misbehave, be unable to concentrate and to have serious health problems. Keep their sugar intake, and yours, to a minimum.

All Pro Dad

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