Saturday, April 30, 2005

Big smile from Nathan.

Hi guys,

What a week this has been. It has been an emotional roller coaster for our family. As you know we took Nathan to see Dr. Dersnah on Monday. Nathan was feeling low and had been complaining for a while of feeling tired.

He did the blood work ad called us in Tuesday because Nathan's blood levels were out of whack (his hemoglobin for example was 45 and was suppose to be between 115-135. His red blood cells, and platelets were also really low. He told us that there was a serious blood disorder, that may be Leukemia, and he had already booked us in at the Children's Hospital in Toronto.

After we arrived, they did all the tests and have now determined that Nathan has Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. More recent tests have told us that the spinal column has not been affected (this means he will not have to undergo radiation therapy as well), and that he has the lowest severity of Leukemia. I take these latest positive test results as a clear answer to prayer.

THANK YOU ALL for your prayers towards Nathan. God truly does hear and answer prayers. Thank you!!!!!!

Nathan is currently taking Chemo therapy and will be staying at the Children's Hospital for about 3 weeks as he finishes the first phase of his treatments. He will be getting a central line put in his chest next week, and will then be traveling three times per week to Toronto for a period of time, and will be off school till September. Eventually he will have less and less treatments and will be able to finish the last phase at home. We are told that his treatments will probably be over in three years time.

What can we say when Cancer visits our family? This has all appeared so abruptly, and there is no aspect of our life and family that has not been affected. Barb is currently staying with Nathan at the hospital and I have been commuting back and forth daily taking the children to visit their baby brother.

Nathan has been very brave and is holding up very well considering all the poking, and treatment he has received so far. He has been very sick from the chemo and will be loosing his hair in the next two weeks. He cannot receive visitors and only two siblings can visit at a time, and even then for only two hours.

Please continue to hold the little guy in your prayers and pray for us with all the added travel, meals, and juggling going on in our life. As my sister Betty says... "if God brings you to a situation He will take you through it!"

Please also remember to pray for Barb as she is also tired and serving as a full time care giver for Nathan. My kids are all pulling well together here at the house and people in the church have provided a lot of suppers so far. We are all very blessed.

Thank You!


Dave, Barb, NATHAN, and the rest of the family


lengirl said...

i love the smile on the little guy! wonderful how he seems to be handling this with much determination and optimism! cheers to his wonderful family as well!

Lito G. Espinosa said...

Yeah, what a big smile inspite of the probing and testing he's been though the last few days.

Thanks Len!