Thursday, April 07, 2005

Happy Birthday to our one and only son

Happy Birthday to our one and only son, Paul aka Pauly Boy.

God loves you and so do we all: Dad, Mom, Pam, Trish, Lola, Papa, the rest of the Espinosa Clan. :-)

As Jabez prayed thousands of years ago to God, I pray that God bless you indeed! May He enlarge your territory (in all areas of your life), may His hand be with you (guide you, lead you, prosper all the works of your hand), may He keep you from harm and evil, may He cause you to be a blessing to others, for His glory.

I'll end this with one of my favorite verses from the apostle Paul's (your namesake) letter to the Philippians, Philippians 1:3, "I thank the Lord everytime I remember you".


lengirl said...

bleated birthday greets to your son and lovely wife, tito lits! isn't it much fun tp have so many excuses to get together and feel the warmth of the family? but yes, it does make it hard to keep the extra pounds off! hehe!

Lito G. Espinosa said...

Thanks Len!

Thank God, the temperature lately has started to get warmer, I've been able to go for longer bike rides, burn some of the poundage and at the same time enjoy the spring outdoor air.