Monday, March 21, 2005

Hour of Power- Don't Throw Away Tomorrow - Part XII

Hour of Power

Life is filled with contradictions

So this morning I'm going to give you my thoughts about contradictions. I can't tell you how many people walk away from potentially good ideas because they see there are some contradictions in the dream and they don't want to be a part of it. Sometimes that can be wise, surely on moral or ethics principles. But all of life is full of contradictions, all the time. Look at our society, we are free in America, but we still have to live under law. We're not totally free. Or see the contradiction of people who are so wealthy, successful and honored, yet still feel something is missing and they're unfulfilled. How do you account for it?

Then think of the contradictory orders that confuse us. We're told to "take it easy" but also "get with it." To "be serious" but also "relax!" To "have fun" but also "be good!" To "take a chance" but also "take care!" We're asked, "When are you going to make up your mind?" as often as we're advised, "Don't rush into it."

Even our clichés are contradictory, "Strike while the iron is hot." "Haste makes waste" … or "the early bird gets the worm." And then, "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread."

There are contradictions in the clashing colors of clothing; in music (minors and majors, point and counterpoint); in architecture (make it strong, don't make it heavy); in physics, there are the contradictions (for every motion an opposing motion). It is phenomenal. In religion, start with Christianity … the Bible is a contradiction (Old Testament, law … New Testament, grace). Justice and mercy, that is the ultimate contradiction philosophically. Jesus is a contradiction (truly man, truly divine).

Notice that international politics is all about resolving contradictions. Or see the contradictions in relationships between mates, between spouses, between parents and children.

Yes, life is filled with contradictions. You are a contradiction. So am I. We're made in the image of God. He is a holy trinity, three persons in one God. I am a trinity, three persons in one, Robert Schuller, the brain that masters my thinking, the heart with its feelings and emotions, and a nervous system. We are a trinity, but we're an unholy trinity with a natural sin that is reflected in the unresolved contradictions in the single human personality. So how do we deal with these many contradictions? [ Rest of the article ]

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