Thursday, October 13, 2005

Left Behind World at War : Official Web Site

Left Behind World at War : Official Web Site

Fairview Alliance Church
220 Hyman Drive,
(514) 684-0156

Showing date: October 22, 2005, Saturday
Time: 7:00 PM

"The Best – Bar none." -
Chuck Smith, Founder Calvary Chapels

The emphasis on prayer motivated my own communion with our Father. The image of the underground church made me appreciate the family of faith we have. Keep up the great work!! -
Max Lucado

"Bigger and Better with a clear witness to Jesus Christ." -
Ted Baehr MovieGuide

"as good as anything you'll see out of the traditional Hollywood studios." -
Paul Crouch Jr. TBN

"This is Christian film-making at its best -- gripping adventure, tense storyline, outstanding production and a solid portrayal of the Gospel. Great job." -
Tim Wildmon, President American Family Association

"Absolutely the Best." -
Ron Luce Teen Mania

"5 DOVES - This is the best Left Behind film so far. ... excellent acting and great special effects. I highly recommend watching this movie."

"...a very creative, contemporary approach to understanding key concepts of the Tribulation and clearly inspires a response to the Person of Christ."
-Dr. Tony Evans Senior Pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship

"We highly recommend that churches make use of this prime opportunity to reach people for Christ. This movie is a “grade A” production, powerfully impacting in true Hollywood style. This action-packed thriller has a life-transforming message and is strongly evangelistic."
- John Zuch, Executive Director for Church Ministries, Christian and Missionary Alliance

"packed with action, drama, (and) suspense and delivers the gospel message clearly and passionately.... This is an action-packed, drama thriller that will encourage those with faith and convict every sinner." -
"Pastor John Hagee"

"It's about time Hollywood went to church....If I was a pastor I wouldn't even need to pray about this. To be able to show a Hollywood quality movie but yet with a biblical message, a message of hope, a message of salvation? Think about the people that would come to your church that would never have come before. Think about the great opportunity of a soul winning instrument that this could be."-
MARCUS LAMB From Daystar's "Celebration"

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