Monday, October 31, 2005

Tearing Down Walls In Your Life

Tearing Down Walls
" I know that God is in the process of tearing down walls in your life. God is in the process of tearing down that which holds you from being the person He's called you to be. He's in that process right now. There is a friend of mine, a doctor, by the name of Edward Taub. Years ago he wrote a smoking cessation program which has several steps to it. What is interesting about these steps is how people break down the wall that destroys their health. But at the same time you can use every single one of these steps, with the exception of one, to break down your walls in your own life. Let me go through the steps you can use.

To begin, set a date seven days from now where you are going to break through the wall, you're going to stop your addiction, you're going to build a bridge between you and your employer, you're going to build a bridge between you and your employee, you're going to build a bridge between you and your parents, a bridge between you and your children, a bridge between you and whomever that other person may be. You're going to set that date seven days from today. What date would that be? It’s going to be Sunday. It’s going to be Sunday morning. That is the day you’re going to start, seven days from today. So set a date seven days from today.

The next thing you're going to do is spend time in prayer. Several times a day you are going to go outside and just feel the natural breezes, feel the coolness of the night, feel the warmth of the day, feel the wind, feel the rain. Go outside and pray, at night you can look up and see the stars. You’re going to do that for seven days.

Next, you're going to eat raw food with every meal. That means you're going to eat raw nuts, not cooked nuts, you know that roasted nuts don't count, they have to be raw, you're going to eat raw vegetables, that means carrots and broccoli or whatever kind of vegetables you like, and raw fruits, that means not canned. You can have frozen foods but not canned foods, so you're going to eat something raw with every meal because most people do not get enough enzymes and that’s where all the enzymes live in the raw foods. Then you’re going to take a brisk walk, walk fast enough and hard enough to get your heart beating a little bit, so take a brisk walk and do that every day.

Next, you’re going to do something special for someone every day. So today would be a great day to start. You can do something like letting somebody who is behind you in the grocery line go ahead. My son was telling me on Valentine’s Day he bought a bunch of paper hearts and wrote little love notes on the hearts and scattered them on the bed for his wife. Isn't that romantic? Well who says that you’re only allowed to do that on Valentine’s Day? You could wash your husband’s or wife’s car. How about that? There are hundreds of things we can do that would be nice for someone, something special. Go out of your way to do something unusual for someone every day. Lastly, here’s the tough one, this is the one that gets people stuck. If you can do this you will break through all of the walls that are before you today. Make a promise to God that you’re going to break through the walls, and you’re going to do what you know you need to do and you’re going to make a permanent change in your life.

You have to make that promise and when you can do that, it changes. On the 7th day as the Israelites walked around Jericho seven times, Joshua gave the command and everyone shouted at the top of their lungs and the walls came tumbling down. I can’t tell you how badly I want to shout right now! Do you want to shout and bring those walls tumbling down? Well guess what, we're not ready to do that yet. Seven days they walked around before they shouted, that means in seven days from today we can shout and we can bring down our walls. Then, we can carry on with the life and the walk that God has called us to walk. "

[ © Copyright Hour of Power 2005. This message was delivered by Robert A. Schuller from the pulpit of the Crystal Cathedral and aired on the Hour of Power October 30, 2005. - The Rest Of The Message ]

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