Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Today's Devotional- Leave It To Me

October 4, 2005

Leave It to Me

By Dr. Robert Schuller

I believe that our greatest temptation is a failure to learn the wisdom of taking "the longer look."

Timing. Is it stressful without faith? You bet it is! But real faith is a force far more powerful than stress.

Do you feel the weight of timing? Let me help you with those pressures.

Don't ever drop the curtain on tomorrow! God's delays aren't God's denials. No, God answers every prayer. I've often said . . .

If the request isn't right, His answer is no.

If the timing isn't right, His answer is slow.

If you aren't ready-yet-His answer is grow.

When everything's right and ready, His answer is go!

I was facing a real challenge in my ministry. I had invested more time and more money into a project that wasn't working out as I planned and hoped. I prayed and then heard one sentence clearly in my mind: "Leave it to Me." It was one of the greatest gifts God had ever given me. I was able to turn it over to God and experience total, complete, beautiful peace of mind.

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