Saturday, November 20, 2004

Cycling Humour

Cycling Humour

Found this web site while searching for cycling and stress (how cycling can help relieve stress).

"You might think that a sport like cycling would be devoid of humour, but following is my collection of classic quotes from some of the biggest and sexist egos in professional cycling."

Top Ten Reasons Why Computers and Bicycling Don't Mix

1. Finding a blender that size would be almost impossible.
2. Whaddya mean, megabyte? I can't even chew this disgusting PowerBar as it is.
3. The Information Superhighway sounds like an accident waiting to happen.
4. Computer programming? No problem. What's your wheel size?
5. Who needs more RAM? Once a year is more than enough.
6. I don't know what's worse, staring at a screen all day or at my front tire.
7. Hard drive? Shoot, wait'll the race.
8. Carpal Tunnel makes me claustrophobic.
9. I don't want a better monitor. I'm barely passing my urinalysis as it is.
10. If I have to restart every time I crash, I quit.
| More from the web site |


Went for another 30km bike ride today. It was a bit windy, -1C, sunny. It was refreshing to have that cold breeze blowing on one's face.

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