Saturday, November 20, 2004

Silver Bells, Christmas Bells, Holiday Season getting you down?

Trust Means "Let Go And Let God" Part VI

By Dr. Robert Schuller

"I am leaving you with a gift-peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give isn't fragile like the peace the world gives." - John 14:27

What do you do with stress? You surrender it to His care. Your failures, your griefs, your setbacks, your insecurities, your feelings of inferiority: Surrender them to His care.

You surrender your stress to His care and your sins to His cross. Did you know that the number one psychological subconscious cause of stress is guilt? There is no way of dealing with guilt, short of spiritual experience. I am all for psychiatry. I am all for psychology. I have studied both and still do. It's a continuing discipline for me, and I am not unlearned in this area. I commend every psychologist and psychiatrist, and in this church we have professionals in that realm. However, only the psychologist who has scars in His palms has the power to say to you, "I know what you have done. I forgive you." His name is Jesus Christ. He alone has the power to forgive, and it is His cross. Surrender your stress to God's care, and your sins to God's cross.

When I linger at the cross of Christ, He lifts my stressful burden... His yoke is easy. His burden is light.

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