Saturday, October 16, 2004

Ain't nothing like the real thing (Coke), Tita Nil

La Ronde amusement park (Six Flags), Ile Notre Dame, Montreal. Tita Nil loves to drink Coke (no Coke taste alike). That's a Coca-Cola basketball Paul won in one of the games at La Ronde that day. The Real Thing! Posted by Hello

Many conferences and books share how to make your marriage wildly happy based on your personal fulfillment. These resources look good on the outside, but many really are a cheap substitute.

Truthfully, strong marriages are principally built on self-denial. When you're willing to drive the kids to soccer practice even when you don't want to, or bite your lip when your wife wants to talk about her day when you're trying to watch Sports Center - you're adding another pillar to the long bridge of marital strength. Want to have a strong marriage? Seek her happiness above your own.

> All Pro Dad <

1 comment:

Lito G. Espinosa said...


I know I need to be reminded about this every now and then.

I've been blessed with a loving, understanding, patient, forgiving, loyal, + + + partner for life. Philippians 1:3 truly applies to her.

"Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God." Phil. 1:3, NLT